Our Vision

Our vision is to bring innovative technology solutions to solve today’s environmental challenges, to preserve the planet, and to help improve living conditions for people around the world.


Economic development and growth make the world a better place, but also compromises the Earth’s resources by generating waste, consuming shared natural resources, and polluting air and water.

In the past several decades, globalization has enabled emerging markets to grow exponentially. This, along with population growth and climate change, means that many countries and communities are suffering from severe environmental degradation, water contamination, and air pollution. The result is severe pollution and health issues, decreased life expectancy, and less accessibility to clean drinking water. In fact, more than 70% of the Earth’s water resources are polluted by toxins and chemicals.

To solve such complex environmental issues, highly specialized treatment solutions are essential to sustaining economical growth, social prosperity, and stability

Technology developers must learn the unique needs of each market and focus their expertise to meet the market’s specific demands. Our goal is to leverage the proven technologies to bring total solutions to the markets that need it most. 

By partnering with other market leaders, Lipatech can bring economical and feasible solutions to clients in the needed regions.

Lipatech has reliable global networks which allow us to quickly identify the services, technologies and partners that help us bring proven risk analysis and management expertise to markets we focused.


Environmental Challenges

The capacity of companies, communities and governments to withstand and recover from environmental damage is more interconnected than ever before.

By localizing clean and energy-efficient solutions to solve the challenges of the ecosystems they share, companies, communities and governments are equipping themselves to navigate an uncertain future as partners.

The energy sector embraces policy, technology, and investor risks. Stricter environmental regulations can have devastating effects on shareholder value in oil companies deploying “business-as-usual” strategies in a carbon-constrained world. The rapid fall in the price of energy from renewable sources and the shift toward electric vehicles are other major variables as oil and power companies try to predict the future demands. Advanced technologies have enabled improved economics and competitiveness of renewable energy and electric vehicles, resulting in intensifying investor concern over the sustainability of the current business models of conventional energy companies.

Innovative new materials that can be used as energy sources have driven governments and corporations to diversify their efforts and prepare for new energy challenges. New materials with unique properties and benefits will enable energy savings in a wide range of energy-intensive processes and applications, and will create a new design space for the generation of alternative and renewable energy.

Global Market Development and Risk Management

Political risks and legal, business, and cultural factors can affect the bottom line. Many companies have experienced big losses in international investments because they lacked knowledge of local regulations and cultural concerns. To be successful on a global basis, companies need trusted and experienced partners with local knowledge.


The New Reality

The intertwined challenges of climate change, urbanization, population growth, environmental degradation, and economic and political uncertainty place growing strain on the companies, governments, communities, and the ecosystems they share.


In China, after nearly four decades of economical development and growth, China has transformed from an economic backwater to an unrivaled industrial power that consumes huge amounts of raw materials and energy. This tremendous change has helped lift millions of people out of poverty, but has also polluted the country's air, soil, and water. The country’s environmental degradation is now at the edge of “Point of No Return.” Feasible solutions are desperately needed to solve these challenges and positively impact social stability.

As a result, China’s government has decided to tighten the country’s environmental regulations.  This will require all corporations in China to seek technologies and solutions to meet these standards immediately.

In Jordan, the intertwined challenges of water scarcity and high energy costs are the primary inhibitors to economic growth. At the same time, the inward migration of millions of refugees fleeing conflicts places added strain on the country’s water and energy infrastructure. 

Pakistan, with its population of more than 200 million people and growing, faces severe nationwide water pollution, rampant waterborne diseases, and is expected to run out of water by 2025.  Simultaneously, extended energy blackouts in major cities lead to unemployment and a myriad of economic and security problems.

Saudi Arabia is one of six Arab countries in the Middle East that suffers from freshwater scarcity, defined by the World Bank's minimum requirement as “1,000 square meters per person per year.” Climate change has impacted the average temperature in the region. The alarming result is that aboveground freshwater will decline significantly by the end of the century, and the Jordan and Euphrates Rivers will exhibit dramatically decreased water flows in that time frame. Aboveground sources that remain will be severely stressed by pollution and severely deteriorated infrastructures.

The population growth in the region surpasses the rest of the world, and the population is shifting from rural to urban areas. An estimated 56 percent of the population currently lives in urban centers, and that number is expected to rise to 75 percent by mid-century.

In this new reality, innovative water and energy solutions, local government and community buy-in, and viable business models that align the shared interests of stakeholders are essential to solving the challenges of shared ecosystems that enable companies, communities, and governments to thrive as partners.

Business Model

Lipatech specializes in environmental, energy, and sustainable development and offers an international platform to connect technologies, solutions, and clients in the regions that need them most. Through local partnerships, we focus on markets like China, Middle East,  Africa, and Asia Pacific.

Working with trusted partners we implement cross-border business development and financing solutions in the focused regions.



Connect Technologies, Connect Industries, Connect Money, Connect People

  • We offer more than more than 100 years combined team experience in global environment, energy, and sustainable development industries. We provide critical industry insights and development expertise.

  • Our team members and trusted partners own trusted global networks in environment, energy, financial advisory (FA), mergers & acquisitions (M&A), risk management, and management after investment.

  • Our value added services include technology partnership, strategic planning services, and localized business strategies and marketing expertise.

  • We provide political and economic risk management services through trusted local partners, and we offer services in due diligence, risk mitigation, and management.

We’ve designed or profit-driven approach by connecting the needs of clients to advanced technologies and solutions. Our goal is to build long-term partnerships by providing value-added services and driving growth for both our clients and our company.

We offer services to: companies looking for global technology and project partners, venture capital; listed companies and other investment firms seeking high-quality businesses to invest in, and; end-users like governments and companies looking for new alternative energy and environmental solutions.

Our Global Resources:

Global Team and Associates

  • Our dedicated team with partners from over 30 countries

  • Trusted global networks

  • Access to global energy and  environmental technology companies

  • Investors and end users in the focused regions

Our Services offer

  • A catalyst for international communication and partnership

  • Effective way to meet suitable partners

  • Chance for project cooperation and tailored solution

  • Carefully vetted technologies through due diligence with completed company info & financial status, acquired with NDA/NCA signed